Superfood Smoothies

We really really love our smoothies over here at Nourish. We are always experimenting (i.e. Pumpkin Pie Smoothie) and adding maca, bee pollen, spirulina, chia seeds to get the most nutritional bang.  I think half of our staff gets the Coconut Matcha daily. But we get it...most of these Superfoods are foreign and intimidating.  Let us wellness junkies break them down for you.

A Student of Health and Wellness

A Student of Health and Wellness

Kimber and I are asked all of the time "what we eat, what we do to stay healthy and what our favorites products are".  I certainly don't have a perfect diet and have other ridiculous indulgences, but for the most part I love learning and researching how to make my body, mind and soul be their healthiest and happiest. I also reeeeeally love eating delicious food.  It's my job to think about food and share with others. So here are my favorite foods, products and a typical day of eating.