Our Philosophy

Not all Smoothies are Created Equal

Not all Smoothies are Created Equal

Generally, when you think of smoothies you assume you are making a healthy choice for yourself.  Smoothies, especially those at large chain smoothie and coffee shops, can contain 80 plus grams of sugar (some over 100 grams which is more than 3 sodas…come on!!) and are loaded with preservatives. This is fine if this sugar bomb smoothie is your occasional treat, but let’s hope that your occasional treat is not a smoothie, but rather something chocolate based from a dessert menu. They are trying to convince you that these “healthy” smoothies are actually good for you by showing cross fit athletes, yogis and runners with six packs on their website. We understand the power of marketing, but don’t be fooled and please know there is a BIG difference in smoothies. 

Non Toxic Living

Non Toxic Living

Kimber and I are all about eating nourishing food that helps our bodies thrive. But the last few years the realization and knowledge that what we put ON our bodies and our environment is just as important as what we put IN our bodies. Here are the trusted products, tips and recipes to help you live a more toxic free life!

Eat Real Food

Eat Real Food

I just want to start off by saying I am not a doctor or medical professional or an RD….maybe one day! I simply love to learn about the latest in wellness and even more, I love to share what I spend my time reading about and listening to. So here is what I know can apply to nearly every single person:

Being Green

Being Green

When Kimber and I were creating the concept of Nourish, there were two things that were always our main focus. The first is obvious, making nutrient rich food craveable and the new "norm" for how food should be, unprocessed, whole and delicious. The second, was our minimal impact on this beautiful Mother Earth we all share.  To us there is no other option but to go the extra mile and spend a little extra, to ensure that we are being as Eco Friendly as possible, within our small Cafe.  It is said that restaurants (obviously this greatly depends the size) can produce, on average, 150,000 lbs of garbage a year. That's heartbreaking and nothing we wanted to be a part of.  We just hope that our customers care as much a we do and support the local restaurants that do things differently.  Let me share our green ways: