Our Personal New Year's Resolutions

Well Happy New Year to you all! I get it some of you don’t believe in making resolutions. But I love the energy of a fresh start. Whether it’s the new moon, equinox or solstice. I also just felt really ready to face by bull sh*t. I’m in a place where I love the way I eat. I naturally crave really delicious, nutrient rich foods. We cook at home a ton and also love going out to eat once a week (ish) to some of our favorite local restaurants. And I never feel guilty for eating pasta, having cocktails etc. I find so much pleasure in food.

Now where my bull sh*t enters. I am an emotional eater. Yes, I said it. Even though I snack on healthy things, I eat when I’m bored, happy, stressed, at night after the boys are in bed and especially when I’m on my computer working there is always a little bowl of Hu chocolate chips next to me. I also have a great mindfulness practice. I meditate, I do EFT, I am fully aware of my emotional eating and thinking about my next meal. I’m thinking “hmm hungry enough for a snack yet?” or “ohhhh I can’t wait for dinner”. And it’s taking me out of the present moment. The heaven on earth moments I could be creating and acknowledgment. It’s taking up my precious freaking brain space! I knew my normal routine wouldn’t work and just using my existing tools wouldn’t work. Because why just meditate when I can soothe with chocolate and meditate ya feel? And I know myself to know I wanted a hard reset. But I also have to be careful because I’m still nursing my 8 month old. That’s why I didn’t just do our juice cleanse. I need more calories. Our juice cleanse sure as hell shines light on emotional patterns and floods the body with rapidly absorbed nutrients and give the digestive system a break. But I needed something a bit longer than 3 days and with more calories. Enter The Clean 7. For 7 days I start with a smoothie (either a Nourish Superfood Smoothie or make one at home depending on where I am), then a normal (for me) lunch (think Pesto Bowl, Broadway Bowl) and then at night is either a smoothie or soup. I use the bone broths from Nourish to make my soups always because they truly are the very best quality you can get. The morning and lunch are very easy for me because it’s already the way I eat. However, the afternoon and evening are the challenge and giving me exactly what I need emotionally. On Sunday, Oaks was really fussy, it was freezing outside and I couldn’t take the boys outside for more than 30 min and my husband was hunting. Normally, when I have these moments I just grab a piece of chocolate. Because hey if I can’t set the baby down to even fold laundry, I could grab something to eat to soothe the frustration. Instead, when Oaks when down for a nap and Bo was playing, I took 10 minutes to go in my room, feel all the things, mediate and breathe and guess what?? I was FINE! I felt good. So, this is my main resolution: to create more heaven on earth moments by being so fully present, to feel the uncomfortable and not soothe with food. It’s only been a few days but I can already start to feel more free, more present, more joy in by afternoon cup of tea and more focused on what I’m doing. I will never give up chocolate or ever adhere to strict diets because pleasure is too important. However, I want to indulge more mindfully, not as a distraction.

And aside from completing the Clean7 and facing my emotional eating here is the full list of my resolutions for funsies and if you’re curious:

  • meditate everyday (I already do 4-5 times a week)

  • do something out of the ordinary nice for my husband everyday (and maybe not be so critical….virgo problems)

  • airplane mode on my phone by 8:30 pm

  • add in lifting weights 1-2 times a week (yoga and walking are my very favorite ways to move and I do one of those daily already!)

  • where can I find amusement, pleasure and play every day?

  • time block and do one task at a time when I’m working

Wishing you ALL abundance, pleasure and health in 2022

with gratitude,

And this is from my business partner, our head chef and my friend Kimber on her resolutions:

I love New Year resolutions! But I never like to start a resolution on the 1st of January. It’s like setting myself up for failure. Especially if I stay up late or drink alcohol the night before. My circadian rhythm is off, I feel brain fog, physical fatigue, dehydration, and my body releases the hungry hormone (ghrelin) which makes me feel hungry because of poor sleep. I like to start a couple resolutions the first week of January, and maybe a few more the other weeks of the month. SInce getting clean, I have made so many food and nutrition resolutions. Now that I know what foods work for my body, and that I consistently eat very healthy throughout the year without issues, I do not set many-to-any food related resolutions. I do cut back on sugar from the holidays, but it was things like buckeyes, chai lattes or caramel swirl cheesecakes from nourish or ones I make at home. Still super healthy, but all sugars can be harmful when not in moderation. 

This year my resolutions are focused on my family relationships, my mental health and my career. I also have homeschooling and travel goals with my daughters this year. My husband and I always write our relationship goals each year. We draw a venn diagram where our circles overlap four our marriage and family. That has been fun to do since we started dating. Here are just a few of my specific goals for each category. My relationship goal is to do things with my people that they like to do. I want to see my favorite people feeling joy while expressing themselves. My mental health goal is to create a consistent longer mediation practice that works for my life this year, compared to last year. My career goal is to take 2022 and exponentially grow! Right now I am excited to release my new drink product, happiness drinks, coming out this year. My homeschool goal is to start teaching Reese how to read when she turns 3. She is really interested in reading, and Dillon learned to read at 4. My husband and I are really focusing on our time more now that we are done having babies. We love our children so much, but babies take up so much of our time. It feels good to have more freedom with our time. 

I love this time of the year and resolutions. It's all about planting mental seeds, trying new things until something works for your personality and where you are in life. I had no money, connections or support systems when I got clean. I was able to make my health resolutions a priority and successful. I know each and every person out there can accomplish anything they want to, if they believe in themselves and put the effort forward. Sending you all the love and support!

take care,